V 2.3
Institute of Plant Sciences - Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology

plprot - Plastids from etiolated rice tissue ["etioplast"]

Etioplast Further details in:
Zychlinski et al., Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 4:1072-1084, 2005.
Etioplasts are the endproduct of plastid differentiation in photosynthetic tissues in the absence of light. They are characterized by a paracristalline prolamellar body, that consists of a ternary complex of NADPH, protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR) and protochlorophyllide (Buchanan et al., 2000). Since etioplasts of higher plants are unable to catalyze the conversion of protochlorophyllide to chloroplhyllide in the absence of light, they are photosynthetically inactive. As a consequence, their metabolism remains heterotrophic, i.e. they depend on the import of metabolites from the cytosol to maintain their basic metabolic activities. Since etioplasts can rapidly re-differentiate into photosynnthetically active chloroplasts upon illumination, they were often used to study intial events in plastid differentiation processes. Additionally, they are an ideal asset to analyze the plastid proteome in the absence of highly-abundant photosynthetic proteins (Baginsky and Gruissem, 2004).

For our analysis, we have devised a new isolation strategy using a combination of differential centrifugation and Nycodenz density gradient centrifugation (details in Zychlinski et al., 2005). A thorough analysis of cellular marker proteins from other cell organelles in the Nycodenz gradient suggested, that the Nycodenz density gradient centrifugation resulted in highly pure etioplasts that were efficiently separated from all other cell organelles (FIGURE 1, FIGURE 2). All identified marker proteins from the Nycodenz gradient fractions are provided in Table 1. Using highly purified etioplasts for the proteome analysis, we identified 240 different proteins by LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis (Zychlinski et al., 2005). A surprisingly large number of these proteins is involved in gene expression suggesting that etioplasts are a special plastid type that is prone to initiate adaptations of gene expression rates immediately upon receipt of a light signal. Identified proteins from characteristic heterotrophic metabolic functions are assembled in FIGURE 3. All identified proteins can be searched in plprot, either by key word or by BLAST search.




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